I know that the development of the okra flower is deeply captivating, so I have included a photo of what it looks like now as a little update:
almost ready to pick and with a new flower opened up today!
I spotted another ladybug climbing all over the plant a couple days ago, so it seems to be keeping the flower buds healthy by eating the pests. I've also been encouraging the spiders, mantises, and lizards to hang around, which they seem quite happy to do (possibly helped by us not adding anything that is not organic to the garden). And I've learned another photography lesson, which is to pay more attention to background and to the depth of field to cut out unnecessary intrusions of pavement (oops!).
Okra fruit and flower. Photo by Lydia Green |
But perhaps even more exciting than the okra's ongoing development is the news I woke up to yesterday morning:
the little papaya seeds I stuck in the ground have started to sprout! There are three little patches of these bright new papaya-sprouts in the garden now. Soon there will be actual papaya trees with actual papaya fruit!
Carica papaya seedlings. Photo by Lydia Green |
It seems everything is sprouting! Two Sugar Pumpkins have also poked up their heads (only one pictured below - the other is on the opposite side of the garden bed). The borage and tarragon are also sprouting (not pictured). The eggplant has a fruit and a flower. Some of the corn already has tussle-y ears, and it looks like most of the heirloom corn and bean transplants have survived and may well produce fruit this season.
Sugar pumpkin seedling. Photo by Lydia Green |
And probably the most beautiful of all the plants at the moment, the 'Nagami' kumquat (on dwarf root stock) is covered in beautiful flowers (and quite a few under-ripe fruit it came with already!), which I hope is a sign that it is flourishing. Thanks, honey!
'Nagami' kumquat flowers. Photo by Lydia Green |
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