I spent this past week exploring Melbourne, Victoria. I have to say, I absolutely loved it!
Flagstaff Gardens at corner of La Trobe St and King St |
I got to practice my Korean and eat Korean food (맛있는 돌솥 비빔밥을 먹었어요!) with friends.
leaving Korean restaurant (one of many) |
I met lots of other researchers in my field (at several universities), participated in a discussion on a topic connected to my research, attended a seminar on the relationship between documentation and description when working with endangered languages, and learned more about the kinds of exciting projects other linguists are working on. Whew! A very fun and engaging few days, to be sure. I welcome any opportunity to nerd out with fellow field linguists.
walking in the city |
I saw beautiful artwork, including some stunning work by Kate Oates at the Koorie Heritage Trust Cultural Centre. I felt very fortunate that on my second visit (I had to go back and see her artwork a second time) she was there, too, and I actually got to meet her!
a fountain outside National Gallery Victoria International |
The whole time, of course, I was surrounded by Melbourne's fascinating architecture, including this building, Port 1010, which exhibits the Cafe Wall (or Münsterberg) optical illusion. The orange lines are actually parallel, but look like they taper off.
Port 1010 |
I got to ride on the free tourist shuttle, the city trams, and the ever-exciting, free city circle tram. Years ago, I rode on a matching streetcar, shipped to Seattle from Melbourne, with my dad, brother, and parakeet, "Rainbow".
riding on the tram, which got stuck (on a no-power spot), so the driver hopped out, cracked a joke about how him stealing his siblings' food paid off, and pushed it a few feet to get us going again |
I went to the incredibly exciting Queen Victoria Market (a few times), full of yummy fresh mangosteen, okra, massive portobello mushrooms, touristy-doodads, tasty panini, hemp clothing, churros, and everything else you could imagine.
Carlton (suburb), on the way to the QVM market |
I also went to the Rose St. artists' market.
houses and gardens, along the walk to Rose St Market |
Rose St Market |
Naturally, I did a bit of jogxploration (what else does one do in a big, unfamiliar city?).
near my hostel |
Yarra River |
And, of course, I spent a good bit of time watching leaves fall, like I do.
fallen leaves in Carlton Gardens, near the Melbourne Museum |
leaves falling in Carlton Gardens |
And, thanks to my friend, Gab, telling me it was happening that night, I watched the total lunar eclipse! Wednesday night slash early Thursday morning I popped outside my hostel in Melbourne to watch the sun, moon, and earth align at just the right time (a night with a full moon).
night sky near La Trobe's Bundoora campus |
At first, the moon was gigantic. Full and bright. Slowly the shadow of the earth crept over the moon. There's nothing like watching celestial events to remind us that we are small and our problems are tiny.
full moon |
I popped back inside to do some laundry, then ran back out into the crisp night. By then, the moon was glowing red with the indirect light of earth's atmosphere. I watched a while longer. It was almost gone. One more time I ran inside to check on the laundry, then ran back outside. As I burst out the door (I probably didn't need to run - it all happened rather slowly), I saw a man sitting on a bench smoking. I said excitedly, "There's a lunar eclipse!"
He responded (almost caring), "Huh. Are you into astrology, then?"
"Uh... no, not particularly. Are you?"
"Yeah. I used to be," he dramatically continued, "But I have bigger things to worry about." And then he went back to his cigarette.
After the moon disappeared completely, I went back inside. The front desk was open by then, so I told the person working there (in an attempt to explain why I had been running in and out the door at such an odd hour in my pjs) that there was a lunar eclipse. He said, "Really??" and ran outside in a hurry. Suspecting he might be a bit disappointed, I decided to go out there with him to point out where the moon had been, as there was actually nothing to see now that it was invisible. Ah well.
The sun came up shortly after and I went up to the roof to snap some photos of the city (next goal: take a photography class - I could use some instruction, hah).
Melbourne from hostel rooftop (note solar panels for heating the water) |
Melbourne from rooftop 2 |
Melbourne from rooftop 3 |
oak with anti-possum ring |
possum (I think?) |
Goodbye, Melbourne and your lovely people! Thanks for the adventure.
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